At Prewall Civil, we embark on a journey dedicated to safeguarding the sacred realm of your privacy. As we delve into the intricate tapestry of data protection, this creative rendition of our privacy policy invites you to explore the celestial boundaries where your personal information finds sanctuary.

Collective Symphony of Information

Personal Crescendo:

In our harmonious exchange, we may gather personal notes, such as your name and email address, tendered voluntarily through our contact forms or within the vibrant community tapestry.

Non-Personal Cadence:

The ethereal echoes of non-personal information, like the celestial dance of IP addresses and browser types, join the cosmic ballet to enhance your cosmic journey through our website. Enter Google Analytics, our starry companion, guiding us to refine the celestial pathways.

Orchestrating the Celestial Symphony

Service Constellations:

The notes we gather form a constellation guiding our service improvements. Your preferences guide us, enabling a stellar user experience tailored to your celestial needs and interests.

Cosmic Communication:

With website consent, your email address becomes a beacon, illuminating your path with updates, newsletters, and wisdom about civil engineering, retaining walls, and the artistry of quantity surveying.


Our cosmic cartographers delve into the constellations of user data, reading the cosmic winds to understand trends, explore user engagement in site, and enhance the stellar performance of our content and services.

Fortress of Information Security

Our cosmic fortress is crafted with ethereal security measures, ensuring your personal data remains guarded against unauthorized astral access, disclosure, or alteration.

Interstellar Bonds with Third Parties

We traverse the celestial plains hand-in-hand with trusted third-party constellations, sharing non-personal insights to improve the astral operation and refinement of our celestial abode.

Uses of Cookies

Our website may use cookies to enhance your website exploration. These cookies may collect non-personal information to personalize your visit and track your preferences to improve your browsing experience. Fear not, for if you wish to disable these imprint’s data collection, then you have the option to disable cookies in your browser settings

Links to External Site

Our portal gives some external website links for your convenience and information, bearing links to realms beyond. Navigate these external gateways with care, for we cannot guard against the privacy practices of these external websites. Review their privacy policies before unveiling your secrets on the external website.

Privacy Policy Changes

We reserve the right to any changes to the Privacy Policy that may sweep through our policy page. Witness these metamorphoses on this Policy page, urging you to periodically traverse them on this page.

Invocation of Acceptance

As you navigate the website expanse of PREWALL CIVIL, your presence signals acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If questions or celestial concerns arise, communicate with us at Thank you for entrusting us with your personal information.